2012年10月31日 星期三









並且提到在幾千年後,當Planet X 來到時,地球會向另一個方向旋轉。



Hopi 是指於北美洲的原居印第安人,他們居住在北美洲已有幾千年歷史。

幾千年來,Hopi 的長老會一代接一代地將上古的知識口傳下來。他們早已知地球是一個大球體,並且在人類上一個文明時,地球其實是向另一個方向轉動,現在當世界文明再一次毁滅之前,人類將會見到兩顆星出現。 一顆是藍色的星,一顆是紅色的星。





(地球擴大 http://riverflowing09.blogspot.com/2011/07/blog-post.html)






究竟是甚麼導致我們的太陽系必只有一個太陽呢?是絕對沒有Planet X?
在1983 年,人們相信地球是雙子星太陽系裡的一個星球,即是相信地球有另一個太陽,第一個最早說出這個消息的是NASA(美國太空總署)。








請留意!主耶穌告訴我們,當祂再來的時候,應回想挪亞的日子。挪亞的日子是什麼?是產難的日子,不是平安穩妥的日子,是要儆醒預備的日子,不是睡覺的時候,而作為童女是要有油點燈的時候。 神給基督徒的使命,就是籍著神時代的亮光,光照那時代的黑暗,作一個正確的Model帶領世人走向光明和永生。

資料來源:2010-2012恩膏引擎全力開動!!: 地軸轉移的證據

The mammoth of Siberia frozen to prove that the magnetic pole shifts ever happened in the past.

 Have magnetic pole shifts ever happened in the past?

In “2012 Glorious Hope” message, Pastor Wind said that the Great Flood at Noah’s time and the Ten Plagues at Moses’ time when Moses led Israelites to leave Egypt were both caused by the visit of Planet X.
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Most probably, Planet X will appear in front of our eyes before the end of 2012 triggering the end time worldwide tribulations as prophesized in the Book of Revelation.

In the past, the main impact of Planet X on the Earth was the pole shift which shifted the axis of the Earth speedily, triggering global tsunami, mega earthquakes and heavy storms.

In fact, comparing the permafrosts in the last ice age and the current ones, we know that pole shift had occurred as the locations of current North and South Poles are over few thousands kilometers apart from their locations 3600 years ago.

From the picture, we can see that during last ice age, the permafrost of the Earth was not located in the current Arctic Circle but was spread in North America and Europe. Thus, we can assume that the North Pole was located in the Atlantic Ocean between North America and Europe, not in the middle of the Arctic Ocean today.

The eastern part of Siberia where five million mammals and some tropical or temperate organisms were found was originally located in the tropical and temperate regions in the last ice age.

Impacts of the last visit of Planet X included the pole shift which caused the relocation of the North Pole: it went from the middle between North America and Europe to somewhere near the Arctic Ocean.

And Siberia was shifted to the edge of the Arctic Circle from a tropical and temperate region within a very short period of time.
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Pastor Wind had said that the Ten Plagues of Egypt were already the least disastrous signs showing the visit of Planet X. 

If Planet X comes again, the catastrophes caused by the pole shift will be inevitably more serious...


How was the mammoth frozen in Siberia?

Scientists believing in the evolution theory all think that the ecosystem has evolved gradually for billions of years. Mutation and great disasters, such as those caused by the collision of meteorites and the earth, only occur once every hundreds of millions of years. Also, living things have undergone millions of years of evolution in order to evolve or extinct.
As for the great flooding occurred thousands of years ago and the ten disasters brought about by Moses, scientists who believe in the theory of evolution think that those are myths and can’t be accepted. Because they think that these records are against the assumptions of evolution.
However, is evolution a fact? Does it align with the discoveries of archeology?
Siberia is covered by kilometers of ice constantly. There are more than 5,000,000 mammoths covered by the ice, frozen as they were with fur, skin, flesh and bones untouched. They were obviously frozen in a very short period of time. Maybe it’s even less than 15 minutes. This is just like how people in modern times froze fresh fish. The fishes’ flesh won't go bad if it’s under low temperature permanently. In fact, mammoths didn’t live in cold areas because even a common elephant needs 600 pounds of food a day.

And mammoths are several times bigger than elephants. It’s impossible for them to live in barren areas. The temperature in Siberia is too low to grow enough plants for them. According to studies, the organization of sweat glands of mammoths doesn’t allow them to live in cold areas.
It’s not only that the mammoths are perfectly frozen in the ice. Even the food in their mouth and stomach are still there. It only takes 15 minutes for mammoths to digest plants. And the food inside these mammoths’ mouths are plants that only grow in tropical and temperate zones.
What changes or disasters occurred at that time so that millions of mammoths were frozen instantly? And that disaster came so quickly that not even mammoths had a chance to escape?

Pastor Wind once explained that there was a great shift in the earth’s axis, instantly making the equator the north pole these days. So mammoths that lived in tropical areas are in the North Pole. Since the earth’s axis changed quickly, thousands of kilometers of tsunamis occur, drowning numerous mammoths to death. The temperature decreases immediately after the shift, burying these 5,000,000 mammoths under thick ice. There are millions of other tropical and temperate mammals accompanying the mammoths, say squirrels, rabbits, birds, swords, saber-toothed tiger, wolf, fox, lion, bears, tigers, rhinos, horses, camels, deer, cows and sheep.
It was Planet X that made the sudden change.
Planet X is huge and has a powerful magnetic field. The earth’s axis was pulled by it and caused an instant shift

Source :

2012 Glorious Hope - Soli Deo Gloria: How was the mammoth frozen in Siberia

2012年10月29日 星期一

West Coast at Stake


This is an excerpt of an article Sound the Alarm released by well-known Christian prophet Rick Joyner on the prophet-platform Elijahlist.com on Feb. 2 this year. 

He prophesied about a catastrophic event at the US West Coast without specifying the time, yet pointed out that this thing, when unfolded, will be the “worst day” of his life.  (possibly meaning this will happen in his days)
Coincidentally, Edgar Cayce (1877-1945), the Sleeping Prophet, has suggested that much of the West Coast could possibly be flooded with the ocean's water. The region is actually a much discussed topic among 2012 watchers including Webbot.
Give it a read.
Rick Joyner: 
"I've had to prophesy many negative things over the last few years, and like it or not (and many don't), we have a track record of accuracy. Quite a few have listened, evaluated, believed, prepared, and have prospered. I know the prepared will prosper in all times, but I would rather not prosper because of catastrophe. Our first goal should be to warn so that the catastrophe does not have to happen. Everything will be settled and made right on the Judgment Day, which is what I've resolved to live for.
Our West Coast is about to be shaken like it has never been shaken before. I am encouraging everyone I know to pray for more time, but we don't have much time. Others also have been seeing similar things along the New Madrid fault line along the Mississippi River. Some have seen this linked with when the U.S. puts serious pressure on Israel to divide Jerusalem. There are amazing parallels between things we have done to Israel with natural disasters that have struck our country. These are not a coincidence.

...Some on the West Coast have started hearing for themselves, even some of the most vehement doubters, and for this I am very thankful.

Even so, the day this begins to unfold on our West Coast will be the worst day of my life. I learned a long time ago that you are unlikely to get credit for accurate prophecies until you're dead and no longer a threat. For this reason, I don't even consider being vindicated. I would much rather be wrong about this one, but I know I'm not. Since the Japan earthquake and tsunami, I have been feeling the grief more and more for our own countrymen that are on our West Coast."

Editor's note: Rick Joyner is the founder and executive director of MorningStar Ministries and Heritage International Ministries and is the Senior Pastor of MorningStar Fellowship Church. He is the author of more than forty books, including The Final Quest, A Prophetic History, and Church History. 

Now, Planet X is approaching to the earth, meanwhile, we are living in 2012, did you remember the movie of  "2012" ? Perhaps that is a warning to the world ...


2012 榮耀盼望 Vol. 141《星際啟示錄》第二部份 (40) Planet X (28)





問題一:5月份的Web Bot,其中一點預告,由7月下旬至今年冬天,將有一個大停電的現象。結果在7月下旬,印度真的出現了三次大停電,影響達12億人。對於這個停電現象,究竟有沒有我們需要特別留意的地方?另外,對於現代人,應如何適應這種停電的生活呢?

問題二:早前5月份的Web Bot已提到一個很特別的現象,這是還沒有出現的,就是海洋慢慢開始沒有魚類,在這方面牧師有沒有補充呢?而與此同時,再加上陸地的旱災,接下來,這對於糧食方面會否是引致另一個大災難?


問題四:2012年5月份Web Bot也談到聯儲局(Federal Reserve)將會崩潰。在這段時間,很多Web Bot之前的估計都已應驗,一些歷史上少見的銀行家醜聞也紛紛被揭發,例如有Libor、匯豐和渣打銀行的醜聞。這些銀行常常提醒別人不要洗黑錢,但自己卻做得最多,在這方面,牧師會否有一些補充?

問題五:Web Bot早已預測,並且在現實當中真的出現了大停電,這有可能是人為導致的,究竟他們如何做到這種現象呢?


問題七:這群遙視者(Remote Viewer)能夠透過一些訓練(Training),使一個普通人都可以預知將來,既然這種能力是人類的一種機能,那麼,我們是否可以去學習?並且,我們應該怎樣去看這些事情呢?

問題八:牧師早前曾分享到一些深藍兒童透過松果體去看一些事情和事物。你亦曾說過,其實他們並非以正途的方法達到。反觀,我們的恩賜運作透過一些步驟、很多的程序和很安全的方法達到。但現時,這些遙視者(Remote Viewer)同樣是利用松果體進行,卻沒有問題,這是否因他們用了一些科學化的步驟,因而不會走火入魔,並被靈界或邪異的力量影響呢?這兩者是否有分別呢?


2012榮耀盼望 Vol.141 主日回顧

2012榮耀盼望Vol.141 5月份Webbot有關經濟

2012榮耀盼望 Vol.141 電磁脈衝炸彈


「2012年5月Webbot」其實是2012年1月29日Webbot發表「直至 2020年的近代史」的延續,










下載下載20121021 主日信息MP3



至於論及Remote viewing與恩賜運作的分別,

資料來源:++2012 末世大揭秘++: 2012 榮耀盼望 Vol. 141《星際啟示錄》第二部份 (40) Planet X (28)

2012年10月26日 星期五

Planet X 導致神秘天坑事件相繼在世界各處出現!



正因為第十行星「Planet X」接近地球,




鄭州雨後驚現500平米天坑「吞噬」1人(組圖)2012 SEP

【新唐人2012年9月3日訊】(新唐人記者王海天報導)近來,大陸多地頻頻出現地面塌陷,已有多人傷亡的報導。 9月2日,河南鄭州小劉橋附近在一場大雨後驚現500平米麵積的“天坑”,導致一人被埋遇難,許多網民驚呼“不敢出門”。

Sinkholes Appearing Around the World

How Sinkholes like Guatemala happen 2012 AUG
The gigantic sinkhole at Guatemala shocked the world. How are sinkholes formed? Watch the mystery unfold behind one of the largest sinkholes in Guiana Highlands


Massive Louisiana Sinkhole Widening, swallowing 100-foot trees 2012 AUG

A Louisiana sinkhole that is 324 feet in diameter and reaches as deep as 422 feet in one corner continues to grow and caused evacuations today. Officials believe an underground salt cavern is the reason the hole opened up and swallowed 100-foot-tall cypress trees.

The hole first came to attention a week ago when residents noticed bubbles in the water of the southern Louisiana bayou. Assumption Parish Sheriff Mike Waguespack said he is worried that the hole may contain 1.5 million barrels of liquid butane, which is a highly volatile liquid. It becomes an extremely flammable vapor upon release.

Texas Brine Company, which mines the cavern, is investigating to see if the circumstances are indeed dangerous. Local residents say the Department of Natural Resources has known for months that the Texas Brine well had integrity problems.

Louisiana probes cause of massive bayou sinkhole

Louisiana officials are investigating whether an underground salt cavern may be responsible for a large sinkhole that has swallowed 100-foot-tall cypress trees and prompted evacuations in a southern Louisiana bayou.

The state's Department of Natural Resources ordered Texas Brine Company, which mines the cavern, to drill a well into the cavern to see whether it caused the dark gray slurry-filled hole nearby.

Measurements taken Monday showed the sinkhole measures 324 feet in diameter and is 50 feet deep, but in one corner it goes down 422 feet, said John Boudreaux, director of the Office of Homeland Security in Assumption Parish, about 30 miles south of Baton Rouge.

Assumption Parish police said Thursday the sinkhole has since grown another 10 to 20 feet.

資料來源:2012 ‧真相: 2012真相‧Planet X接近,導致神秘天坑事件相繼在世界各處出現!

Sinkholes are everywhere...


Ottawa sinkhole swallows car, but not driver

Highway 174 eastbound could be closed for days as sinkhole grows to size of 'Olympic pool'

Posted: Sep 5, 2012 7:04 AM ET 

Last Updated: Sep 5, 2012 7:39 PM ET

An Ottawa man escaped a highway sinkhole, which has grown to the size of an "Olympic-sized pool", after his car was swallowed during afternoon rush hour yesterday.
Juan Pedro Unger told CBC News he was driving home eastbound on Highway 174 in the east Ottawa community of Orleans when he saw a black patch ahead in his lane near the Jeanne d'Arc Boulevard exit.
This sinkhole swallowed Juan Pedro Unger's four-door sedan as he drove home during rush hour Tuesday in east Ottawa.This sinkhole swallowed Juan Pedro Unger's four-door sedan as he drove home during rush hour Tuesday in east Ottawa.(Photo courtesy of Ottawa Fire Services)
At first, Unger said, he thought it was a tarp. But when he discovered it was a large hole, it was too late to stop.
"I couldn't make a radical manoeuvre, it could have caused an accident," he said. "I just tried to come to a stop, but I couldn't and it just sunk in."
Unger's silver four-door sedan went nose first into the sinkholejust after 5 p.m. ET Tuesday.
He said there was a large banging sound as the car rattled around in the hole. Only its bumper did not go below the surface.

Fear of car sinking further

Unger hung from his seatbelt and he said he thought of two options — either try to get out, or stay in the car and wait for help.
At first, he feared a bus or car would come along and land on his car. But then he also recognized there was eroding water and pavement beneath him, and he feared the vehicle could sink further.
Juan Pedro Unger feared his vehicle would sink further underground as he sat in his driver's seat in the sinkhole.Juan Pedro Unger feared his vehicle would sink further underground as he sat in his driver's seat in the sinkhole.(CBC)
"There were two big gaps with water flowing into them like a river was forming, and completely pitch black under it," Unger said.
"Those two holes, you couldn't tell how deep they were. They could be a metre, they could be 100 metres."
Unger managed to get his door open and he crawled out, using the door to prop himself up. He began to climb through the hole when two witnesses reached in to help him out.
"It was a huge relief to be out and alive," he said.

Car remains in sewer pipe

The sinkhole will take days, not hours to repair, staff told the city's transportation committee Wednesday. Contractors had begun to assess the sewer pipe Tuesday as part of a $1.5-million repair job.
Staff said workers need to replace the approximately 50-year-old, 3.6-metre-wide sewer pipe that cuts across under the highway. Unger's vehicle also remains 20 metres down an underground sewer pipe flowing towards the Ottawa River.
Juan Pedro Unger escaped with only minor scrapes and bruises after falling into the sinkhole.Juan Pedro Unger escaped with only minor scrapes and bruises after falling into the sinkhole. (CBC)
The city's environmental services department says there will not be environmental damage caused by the sinkhole or the vehicle. Staff are currently using dikes at the sewer outflow to prevent car contaminants from entering the sewage system.
The eastbound lanes of Highway 174 remain closed between the Blair Road and Jeanne d'Arc exits.
Officials say the closure could last days, or maybe even weeks, for the repair to be completed. Tuesday night's rainfall also made the assessment of the sinkhole more difficult for the excavation company.

Mysterious Louisiana Sinkhole Raises Concerns of Explosions and Radiation

A nearly 400-foot deep sinkhole in Louisiana has swallowed all of the trees in its area and enacted a mandatory evacuation order for about 150 residences for fear of potential radiation and explosions.
The gaping hole has a diameter of 372 feet. It is in Assumption Parish, La., about 50 miles south of Baton Rouge.
The sinkhole sits in the middle of a heavily wooded space where it has consumed all of the soaring cypress trees that had been there. Flyover photos show some of the treetops still visible through the mud.
Authorities enacted a mandatory evacuation for between 100 and150 homes in the area, but most people have chosen to stay, according to the Mayor's Office of Emergency Preparedness. If any of the dangers seem to become more imminent, the order will be escalated to a forced evacuation.
While officials are not certain what caused the massive sinkhole, they believe it may be have ben caused by a nearby salt cavern owned by the Texas Brine Company.
After being used for nearly 30 years, the cavern was plugged in 2011 and officials believe the integrity of the cavern may have somehow been compromised, leading to the sinkhole.
On Thursday, Louisiana's Department of Natural Resources required that Texas Brine drill a well to investigate the salt cavern as soon as possible, obtain samples from the cavern and provide daily reports on their findings. It could take up to 10 days to set up the drilling process, even with an expedited process.
Sinkhole Swallows Up Two Florida Homes Watch Video
Giant Sinkhole Opens Up in Brooklyn Watch Video
Minibus Swallowed by Sinkhole in China Watch Video
"We have to arrange for the driller. We have to pick a location. We have to be very careful to not be in a point that's too close to the sinkhole because of the weight of the rig," Texas Brine Company spokesman Sonny Cranch told ABCNews.com today. "We don't want to aggravate the situation."
The sinkhole is on the outside edge of the salt dome where this particular brine well is located.
"There are some indications that it very well may have been connected, but there's just indications," Cranch said. "There's nothing concrete that has connected the sinkhole to the cavern."
There was bubbling in the water and the sinkhole is near areas where there has been exploration for oil and gas in the past, which would make the presence of low levels of naturally occurring radioactive material (NORM) possible.
The state's Department of Environmental Quality said water samples from the sinkhole showed oil and diesel on its surface, but initial readings did not detect radiation.
In the days after the sinkhole opened up on Aug. 3, nearby Highway 70 was closed down because officials discovered that the sinkhole caused a 36-inch natural gas pipeline to bend and feared the possibility of an explosion, according to ABC News' Baton Rouge affiliate WBRZ.
"That's why the mandatory evacuation is going to stay on, because there is a risk for explosion," John Boudreaux of from Assumption Parish Emergency Preparedness said at a meeting with residents on Tuesday, WBRZ reported.
"We are determined to do everything we can to find the answer," president of Texas Brine Mark Cartwright told the residents.
Some community members were visibly frustrated with the situation and lack of answers.
"You can give us a straight answer because that's all we want," one woman said at the meeting. "We want to know when we can come home and be safe. Because you all go home after a days work. You're safe, but we're not."
Gov. Bobby Jindal issued a declaration of emergency allowing the Governor's Office of Homeland Security to assist in the efforts if necessary.
"This is extremely serious and it's been going on for too long to still be at this point," Kim Torres, spokeswoman for the Office of Emergency Preparedness, told ABCNews.com today. "The people are very aware of how serious this is.

Source : "2012 Glorious Hope - Soli Deo Gloria: Sinkholes are everywhere...: